Thursday, May 27, 2010

Around the Yard

All through these hot days, it has been a delight to walk around my yard and enjoy. Yesterday was no exception. Even before I went outside, I spotted this turkey hen sunning herself.

And, when I did go outside, Mr. and Mrs Mallard were waiting for me. I now have only this pair visiting the feeder, and they have grown quite tame. They will tolerate me working in the yard (big of them, whose yard is it anyways?) and they know that I am the human who feeds, so they come running when they see me with the feed bucket in hand.

My "old" flowers are both in bloom. I don't know if it was my Grandmother or my Mother who planted these, but I do know that they have been here for as long as I can remember. I did get rid of a lot of this iris a few years ago, but I was hoping that this group would flourish, there at the end of the downspout. They have and, this year, there have so far been no winds to knock them over, so I can really enjoy them.

That's the same reason that the peonies haven't flopped yet, either.

The varigated wiegela is doing quite well.

But, in spite of the fact that I have been watering it faithfully, I think it's just too hot for the red weigela in front that gets a lot more sun. The flowers are coming out, and fading almost immediately. It's a pity, because this bush is usually my outstanding performer.

I have some of the flowers that I bought last week planted. I'm waiting on others until it cools down, because I have to dig a new garden for them, and right now it's just too hot for me to work that hard in the sun.



I forget the name of this little flower, but I just had to buy it, because it is so gaudily cheerful.

I decided to let the sheep sorrel grow around my pine tree, and I quite like the way it looks.

But the greatest joy of the day was seeing that, with great suddenness, one of the day lilies had shot up flower stalks, and, a lot of them. This is my "wild" day lily, the orange one that grows by the side of the road, all over the place. It's always the first to bloom and is a harbinger of things to come, with the fancier varieties.

It's going to be another hot one today, but I can always take a walk around my yard, and cool down.


Tina said...

WOW! Look at all the colours in the duck's yard already. You did a great job, no wonder they don't want to leave.... I wouldn't either. All this beauty and then free food....come really can't get any better, can it? lol

Terry said...

SO pretty! It's a feast for my Western-landscape eyes. I especially like the wiegela. Just lovely.

Sharon said...

Good Morning, Louise! Such pretty flowers! That Wiegela is a new one to me, very pretty!

With all these flowers blooming, have you noticed any bees? I haven't seen any the past couple of weeks.

Inger said...

I agree with Terry -- the abundance of flowers and colors is stunning for my desert canyon eyes.--INGER

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

You have a beautiful yard (even without the ducks!) and your flowers are really lovely too--I really love Wiegela and you're reminded me that I need to get some for my yard too!

AJ-OAKS said...

Don't ever worry about boring us with the pics you take on your walks. They are very enjoyable to see. Since I really can't have a flower bed or a park like yard due to shortage of water in the summer months, seeing yours is really nice.
Love the ducks. And how very nice of them to allow you to work in the yard! :)
Good pic of the turkey hen.