Sunday, April 18, 2010

Out of My Rear Window 4/18/10

The weatherman had predicted a cloudy morning, with spits of rain, but, look what we have! I hope to be able to get my walk in the woods in, after all.


Tina said...

Lovely view....we were suppose to have rain too, but it's sunny, but I bet the temperatures are less then high lol....I know we have been so spoiled already. But I just love warm weather.

Sharon said...

We were supposed to have rain yesterday - only got a spit. I'm hoping for some decent rain soon!

Enjoy your walk in the woods!

IsobelleGoLightly said...

It's been snowing here, Auntie Louise, all morning! Some sun is just starting to peek out so maybe I can poke my head out of the barn after all today!

Louise said...

Oh no, Isobelle! Blech to snow! I hope the sun comes out good and strong, to melt all of that snow away so that you can go out to play.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I have a feeling your backyard sounds beautiful there and has a rich earthy, sweet scent in the air, too.


Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

a beautiful backyard, I hope you got your walk in