Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hosta's Tale

The hostas in my shade garden are FINALLY up, sort of. I'm still waiting, and hoping on one, and another only shot up two stalks, but, it's a start. Every year those hostas do this to me. I sweat and stew about whether or not I have lost them over the winter. This year, it looks like I did.

The new hostas that were given to me by a friend are doing great.

The hostas along the south wall look wonderful

But, the poor hostas that have been in the shade garden for a few years now just don't flourish.

Looks like asparagus, doesn't it?

And, this poor thing is back to what it was when I bought it, and, it was my first. Sorry for the blurry picture.

I usually have a pretty green thumb, and, hostas are supposed to be easy. But, I must be doing something wrong. Sigh.


Tina said...

Of all the things that are already out, way too early I might add, the hostas are the only ones that only peek thru the soil so far, our lillies e.g. are huge already....Wonder what that does the the flowers in the summer if everything is out and blooming so early?

Sharon said...

My hostas are full up and my peonies are full up and budding, don't know why they do - some ----- is going to mow them down like they always do before they can bloom, or while they are blooming, have told them they aren't weeds since we moved in here.

John Going Gently said...

hostas and snails! dreadfull!i lose mine every year

Tammy said...

Hope your hostas come out of it. I've just gotten some established in my shade garden over the last few years. I was a little worried this year as they seemed slow to come up, but I believe they all survived.

Inger said...

I hope they will be fine and bring you joy. We are having a terrible two-day windstorm here -- it's cold, cold, and I worry about my lilacs that looked like they would be OK earlier.

AJ-OAKS said...

Your Hostas are so green and vibrant. For someone who doesn't think they have a green thumb, well, may I say that I think you do!