That Mystery Butterfly that I posted about earlier today turned out to be Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton). I did post it on GardenWeb, and you guys were right, I got an answer almost immediately. Seems it is threatened in several areas because it only feeds on native Chelone, or turtleheads. Whew! Hearing that gave me quite the little rush.
Here it is again.

Hmmm, I wonder if I can find the turtleheads. They're quite distinctive looking.
COOL! The mystery solved, and you have a really neat (and somewhat rare) picture to boot.
Start your look for your food plant 100 yards around the spot you saw this butterfly
Congrats on your good find!
Isn't taking a walk fun???
How cool is this!! It's really a pretty butterfly Louise--We've had some darker colored ones around and I think I'll pay a bit more attention to them and see what I have flitting around! I really do love butterflies and enjoy seeing them. Also, THANKS for identifying much of what I have growing around me. Up until I started reading your blog, I had no idea what much of it was, and have to admit that I wouldn't look as closely at it, if it weren't for your pictures of how intricate so many of them are!
Pat self on back! Great find!
Hi Louise, How exciting to find a rare butterfly. I enjoy walking with you on the trails! You have inspired me to learn more about wildflowers, where they grow and their names. Gerry
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