We're opposite types of gardeners. I'm the slap it in and hope it grows type and her gardens are orderly and disciplined. I was very impressed. Here's some pictures. I think you will be, too.
So nice to have friends who garden, or who share any common interest!
Nice garden, I always appreciate the hours of work people put into their gardens, it seems like such an accomplishment when it's done and in full bloom. Some people garden because it relaxes them, like my boss always says. I just don't seem to get into the gardening mode, not sure why, because I sure am not afraid of work and getting dirty and I do love looking at them. Maybe some day, as for now I enjoy looking and commenting on everybody's talent and hard work.
Friends make life richer, that's for sure! Your photos are beautiful as always.
I love the tree with what looks like Mertensia and impatients
Every time I see daisies growing in someone's garden, I ask myself why I don't have any daisies. Well I do have one 'crazy daisy' but it isn't especially happy here:) There is something so cheerful and welcoming about a patch of daisies:)
I like the way she is planting around the base of her pool.
Lovely gardens. I am amused, your description of your gardening style is a step above mine, which is to throw something in the ground, and if it grows, get more. (One of the nurseries dubbed me the Darwinian Gardener... Survival of the fittest and all that.)
I love "neat and orderly gardens" with the right balance of color etc., but unfortunately mine is not that way--My garden really represents who I am; a bit disorganized with splashes of color in the most unusual places! :-)))
louise could you post a self photo? would love to know what you look like........ especially as we know your house and garden so well
Well, personally I think your garden looks just as beautiful as your friends!
The last pic of circular stone/brick with the flowers is really stunning.
So pretty! She even planted flowers around her pool. Most folks don't because the splashing chlorine water isn't too good for the plants. But hers don't seem to mind at all. lol!
I don't have a garden because it's just too much maintenance. Because of our lack of rain, if you miss just one day of watering, everything gets brown and dies. And most plants don't seem to like our community water very much either.
I do enjoy looking at flowers and pretty plants, though.
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