The new daylilies are all planted. The young man next door did all of the hard work, digging the garden and planting the new flowers. Right now, it looks as ratty as new gardens often look, but, I think that, next year, it will be beautiful.
You'll notice a problem, though. There is a big empty space at one end. I'm going to fill in around the borders with some hosta I have that isn't doing well. I think that they are in too much shade and I'm hoping that moving them to a spot where they get sun will help. But, that isn't going to fill in that one end.
No doubt about it, nothing to do but make another trip and pick up a couple more daylilies. Isobelle's Lady wants to go again, and we may be taking a friend of her's, also. Oh, this is just so much fun! Back to the website, to see if I can find any that I just HAVE to have.
Yep, that empty space was just for those other fancy bulbs you wanted! Way to go neighbor guy!
The neighbor must have read your mind:))) I couldn't but notice the lush green grass... ours turned all crunchy:(
I also noticed your beautiful green, soft grass. This time of year here there is no green grass to be found. Well, there would be, but our water situation makes us become very conservative so having green grass would be a luxury.
Yes, another trip to town for more flowers/plants. :)
I know a lot of people who are terribly addicted to daylilies. Pretty soon the whole yard is dug up to make room for more:)
Can't wait to see that bed next summer when they are all in bloom.
Normally, the grass around here would be on the dry and crispy side, also. We're having a reasonably wet summer, however. There's enough rain to keep the grass green. Now, if the heat and umidity would just moderate.
Hi Louise, what lovely additions to your yard!! When I go to Kentucky at the end of the week I plan on getting some daylilies out of my Mom's yard. But I'm also planning for next year and am trying to find a "Giant Coneflower" that I saw at Mt. Vernon. It looks like a black-eyes Susan and grows to 6-9 feet--Unfortunately I'm only finding it for sale in Britain...poo....Like the others, I'm also envious of your green grass...double poo! ;-))
I'd just settle for the green, green grass (oh, well, maybe the neighbor's boy to help me too). Happy shopping!--Inger
I think that whole lawn could be dug up into a bed for daylilies! woo woo!
LOL very cute....I didn't see anybody twisting your arm too hard to go back and get more day go girl!
Oh boy! Another fun day to look forward to, and more daylilies to boot!
That space definitely cries out for more daylilies! That sounds like a very handy neighbour to have.
Louise...I can give you tons of daylillies...We have singles and doubles...just the traditional (thousands). Also have lots of black eyed Susans that could use a new home. Let me know. We can have lunch and you can take home plants.
Hmmm...coincidence that there just happened to be exactly enough room for two more daylillies? I agree--more are needed and in a year or two that will be a lovely little bed filled with color.
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