But, once you started looking, there were a lot of other flowers there, also. Much to my surprise, there were large patches of Butter and Eggs. Now the question becomes, why was that one patch that I saw blooming so much earlier?
Black-eyed Susans were in their glory.
The Early Goldenrod was in full bloom.
Many stalks of later blooming Goldenrod had these rosettes on the very top. I believe that they are caused by the larva of the midge Rhopalomyia solidaginis. At least, they're pretty.
I saw one of my favorite flowers in quite a few places. Joe-Pye Weed draws my eye where ever it is. Obviously, one reason is because it's so tall. But, I love the beautiful purple clusters of flowers at the top, and the red veined stems themselves.
This particular flower isn't open yet, but the buds look paler than most. I wonder if it will be white when it does open? I'll keep an eye on it, and see.
Seed pods are beginning to mature.
And, the birds, oh, they were everywhere. Singing, and singing, and singing.
Catbird -- This bird was not doing the "kitten in distress" call that they are famous for. Instead, it was singing a very lovely and complicated song.
I'm not 100% sure of these next two identifications.
Hermit Thrush - The picture is the best I could get. I did see this bird flying around, and it appeared to have the right characteristics. The dark tail is another indicator.
Correction -- I think that Upupaepops is correct and this is some kind of flycatcher. I'm not going to try to identify it any further as they all look pretty much alike.
Field Sparrow - What a lovely song this bird was singing. That's partly what I based my identification on,. Picture taken at highest magnification.
The Orange Trail isn't all meadow. Part of it goes through a lovely second growth woods. Unlike the meadow, it is very quiet there, with the eternal feeling that woods can give you. I'll leave you with a picture of it.
Ah-ah-ah-choo! Beautiful flowers and pretty birds! I love to listen to the birds calling each other and singing. I love the relative quiet of the woods, with just the birds singing and no traffic sounds, very peaceful.
Lovely walk Louise!
The orange trail is lovely. Thank you for taking time to share it. Gerry
I learn so much about plants reading your posts. You have actually started me to really looking at the plants around here and trying to identify them. Thanks!
Oh, and the pics were gorgeous.
Not sure on the hermit thrush id.
The throat is too clear, lacking any spots
the white terminal edge to tail and wing edges. This view shows none of the bright buffy color they are known for.
consider a flycatcher, possibly eastern kingbird?
So nice and peaceful.
I have Joe Pye in my garden and it is a butterfly magnet. Love it. Is it cooling off a little there? It's miserable to just breath outdoors in the weather we are having here.
that field and flower meadow is wonderfully pretty
Very similar plants here as well. But the birds don't make it this far. Great photos and commentary.
It's so interesting to see the seasonal changes in your world too.
Back east, I used to cut Joe Pye flowers and put them in arrangements. My Mom thought I was bringing weeds into the house!
I'm so glad I caught this -- I didn't look at any blogs yesterday. What a treat it is to sit here in this dun colored landscape, full of yellow, dry weeds, and see all the green colors and beautiful flowers. Thank you for sharing this meadow with us.--Inger
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