But, around us, signs of change are occuring. The seeds of the linden tree are ripening. Soon they'll cover the lawn so thickly that I'll have to rake.
The box elder is heavy with seeds, also.
And the crab apples are swelling. Soon they will start to fall, and I will look out to see the deer there, so close to the house, enjoying their once a year treat.
Some of the flowers of early summer are still blooming.
And, the very last daylily.
But, now is the time of the black-eyed Susan. You see its golden face everywhere. Reaching towards the sun, and bringing some of that brightness back to earth. It marks the fullness of Summer, and is the harbinger of Fall.
Enjoy these days, and store up memories to pull out in the cold, white days of Winter.
Very lovely post, Louise!
I am still waiting for that cool evening, it's usually in the mid-80s and extremely muggy when I finally shut down for the night. We are lucky if it gets to 75 by morning.
Yes, the signs of fall are starting to show, it's either that or drought, that is making the leaves yellow and die, floating in the breeze like a light snow shower in winter. More huge spider webs in the trees than usual. The glorious greens of spring have gotten dirty and dull.
It sure has been a long, hot summer here.
Pretty! We have lots of big B52 flies down here today! Ick. It's hazy, hot and humid.
So humid again...the weekend here was absolutely beautiful temperaturewise....but back to sticky and hot...yuck!
Love the black eyed Susan pictures.
What an evocative post! Yes, the signs of approaching autumn are all around, as the goldenrods and asters come into bloom.
By the way, Louise, I have learned that that horse you told me about, Lisa's Booby Trap, did indeed win her race at Saratoga last Friday. I updated my blogpost about the track with that information, and provided a link to an Albany Times Union story about the horse. Thanks for the tip!
What a lovely post, Louise. It was 40 degrees here this am, cooler but still hot and dry, oh so dry, during the day. No rain since May except a few drops from an individual little cloud in June. I do take note of such events here.--Inger
As always, great pictures Louise! I think because we've had cooler temps in the morning, and it's getting light later-I'm finding myself a bit down because winter will be here before we know it...
Every year, I dread the coming of winter more. It's just not as fun as it was 4 or 5 decades ago! Nice we at least have the beauties of autumn to help up prepare.
The lantana is always lovely. So dainty and the colors are perfect. What a contrast the gaudy Susans make, but I love their cheerful color.
These flower shots are splendiferous! An amazing closeup of the lantana!
What a lovely garden you have, and I am loving the photographs. It's Winter here in New Zealand, with the first signs of Spring starting to appear.
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