Coral Fungus
Morning Glory
The Sumac is flowering.
I think that these are the seeds of the sugar maple. Could be wrong though. I thought the red shadings were very beautiful.
I guess that the mystery plant from last week is, indeed a Black-eyed Susan, even if the leaves are different from the ones growing in my garden. I did some reading and there are quite a few different kinds. This type is very pretty, so bright and cheery.
The size of this grapevine has been fascinating me for a few weeks now.
The Common Mullien continues to grow, and is now beginning to put forth its flower stalk. I know it's not strikingly beautiful, but it is becoming one of my favorite plants. Maybe because it's so easy to recognize.
I identified this berry incorrectly last week. It's Honeysuckle, not Autumn Olive.
And, it also comes in an orange variety.
And, this is they mystery plant of the week. I got a little cocky and was sure that it was Wild Lily-of-the-Valley. But, when I got home and looked, it appears that it isn't. So, now, I don't know what it is. It isn't flowering yet, which makes identification more difficult. As luck would have it, this grows in my shade garden. I have been yanking it out for a few years now. There are a couple of nice specimens growing there now and I think I'll let them be, and see what the flowers are like.
There is so much beauty in the little things around us, when we slow down and take a good look. And, aren't I lucky, that I have the time to stop and notice those little things?
Red Clover is so common. Yet, each flower head is a picture of pefection.
Who knew that, as Purple Flowering Raspberry flowers aged, they faded?
I didn't realize that the flowers of the Common Milkweed came in different shades either. These are paler than the flowers that I posted last week.
Yarrow -- each little bloom perfect in its own right.
Virginia Creeper -- a terrible nuisance plant, but a tapestry on the forest floor.
Even worm trails look almost like some strange kind of writing.
Today, the Red Trail. I'm bringing a friend. She powerwalks, in a gym, round and round in a circle. She's terribly fit and her walking has improved her health 100% which makes me very happy. But, I think she needs to get out and breathe the fresh air, look at the sky and what is around her, once in a while. Don't you?
I love the first photo. What an unusual fungus.
I hope your friend enjoys walking outside. I know I couldn't make myself walk around in circles inside.
let the mystery plant bloom
so many flowers grow with this leaf pattern and form. Could be a glorious thing. We will see
I had coral mushroom for dinner sunday. Saute in butter and olive oil. toss in garlic herbs and lemon pepperadelle pasta
Nice walk! That coral fungus looks like a sponge. Gee, all this time, I thought they were Brown Eyed Susans, shows you what I know. :-)
Your walking friend may find the walking the trails is a whole different ball game.
Have a great day now!
I'm sure your friend will slow down and see the beauty of nature with you as an inspiration.--Inger
Ok, I am more interested of what is on your watch? Looks like you have a face in there lol....
Hah! Sorry Tina, must be a reflection. It's just a cheap old $9 watch. I wear them until the battery goes, then get a new one.
Oh wow! You're learning so much about the flowers and plants on your walks. Your photos are gorgeous, too.
I have honeysuckle growing all along our back wall and I've never seen them get berries. Is it because they are domesticated and not wild plants?
I'm alway wary of going hiking with someone who power walks and likes to move fast. I did that once on a mountain hike that was mostly straight up for 10 miles. ugh! We started at 6am and we were done before 9am. I was so sore and frustrated afterwards and the hike sped by without being able to enjoy any of it.
We got to the top and we're bored because the next tram down was not for over an hour. bleh!
Some people just can't slow down and stop to enjoy the wildlife.
I hope you have a better experience. Maybe your friend can try to learn from all of your amazing knowledge about the plants and flowers, too.
You have such a good eye, Louise. It's a pleasure to go on a walk with you. I'm sure your friend will enjoy it too.
HI, Louise - I think your mystery plant is false helleborine, which is a non-native, also known as a "weed orchis." When it blooms, it will have a spire of small, greenish-purplish-brownish orchid-like flowers. It's really quite attractive, but a bit invasive. Take a look in a plant guide to see for sure if it matches, but I'm fairly sure that's it.
I was thinking False Hellbore as a more common option , Veratrum viride, but the ones we have here (native) are much larger. Ours have white flowers
It is a wait and see event. I want it to be a ladyslipper but I should not look hear hoof beats and expect zebras
Thanks for the information, you guys. It's definitely not Veratrum viride. That grows four to six feet and this plant, both in the woods and in my garden, is more like four to six inches. I couldn't find anything when I googled "weed orchis." I'm going to let them go and see what happens. I'll post pictures when the flowers develop.
Just as more information. They are very hard to get out, and I never get the root, which suggest to me that they are propagating via runner. Another reason I thought they were false lilies of the valley.
You don't know how happy I am that I haven't been destroying some rare and valuable orchid.
I don't know what I was thinking. Not FALSE helleborine (I don't know that there is any such thing), but just plain old helleborine. Epipactis helleborine. Sorry 'bout that. :p
Now, THAT looks like the little bugger. Hmm, what to do? I have a couple that sprouted under my linden tree this year. Since nothing grows there, not even sweet woodruff or violets, I wonder if I should let it grow there, while smacking it back elsewhere. It's relatively simple to control. Once you snap off the plant, it doesn't come back that year.
Epipactis helleborine is an orchid!!!!!!
here is a page fromWashington Orchid Society, scroll down
while not native, you cannot dismiss having a nice orchid growing in your garden. Plus they make great Macro camera subjects
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