It was actually my sweet Gina, seen here rapidly departing after Rachael appeared on the scene, who is responsible for the disarray, after a rare session of crazy cat.
Meanwhile Becky was under the table playing with the new catnip toy.
Leon, well, he has enough sense to disappear when the ladies all go wild.
My house cats have all gotten so old, I'd forgotten how crazy young cats can be. Now days, Toby is inside because of the baby birds and the coyotes and he is reminding me. Shredding toilet paper rolls is his favorite sport. Anything fuzzy like sweaters, scarves, teddy bears, etc must be de-furred. He is quite the little home wrecker.
I love "crazy cat" moments... it completely fascinates me to see my cat snoozing one moment and "hanging from the chandelier" the next:))
I refer to this time as "Monkey hour". The dogs do it too! If I lived alone with no pets, my house would probably be neat and tidy. I have given up on trying to keep the front curtain rod in the brackets, DC gets in there and pulls, bites and lays on them. I can't imagine all the mess your cats get into! Must be fun!
Ah, wouldn't life without cats would be sooooo boring? lol Your cats are beautiful.
Bring out the 'nip and all heck breaks loose! ha... I've been a little too scared to introduce too much catnip to the tribe. The girls look so shiny and healthy. Do any of them get along well? Love Marnie's comment about little home wrecker! I came home last night to a thoroughly shredded toilet paper roll--reduced to about 3/4 of it's former size! Of course there was bits and pieces of TP everywhere! Dorks.
Terry, the girls and Leon get Innova Evo, wet and dry, and I can't speak highly enough about this product. They are so healthy, and their coats are so nice. It's high protein and low carb, with no grains.
Becky and Gina, my older cats, get along well, and Leon and Rachael, who are much younger, get along well also. The two older girls are pretty intimidated by the younger cats, because they play pretty rough. Poor Becky, especially, makes the mistake of running, which just makes the youngsters chase her. But, then, Becky is my scardy cat and runs from everything, even the telephone ringing.
LOL! I have some catnip growing in the garden and once in a while I bring in leaves for everyone and watch the fun.
I will come up and jump on your table, Auntie Louise! Wouldn't that be FUN! Tee hee!
Naughty girls! What fun!
Oh the joy of cats. much entertainment and for that that they sleep an awful lot they sure get into enough trouble every minute they are awake.
Too familiar....I noticed the ottoman in my living room is still scarred from kitty cat claws causing strings to hand and we haven't had kitties living here since 2005. They do leave there mark!!
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