I'm back, at least for this one post right now. I hope to be a little more regular, but I'll probably be a lot more erratic than I was in the past. I just can't seem to find things to post about.
I guess I have two pieces of news, though. The first is that I'm on day 17 of a diet. I decided that it was time to lose all this extra weight that is keeping me from doing the things that I want to do. I could stand to lose 100 pounds, but I'll be happy with less, as long as I keep it off. So far, only weighing myself once a week, I've lost 5.5 pounds. But, I won't bore you with constant updates on how the diet is going.
The second thing that I wanted to share with you is the wonderful sight that I saw out of my rear window this morning. I was puttering around when I noticed that Becky Cat, who loves to sit and watch the birds out of that window, started making that chattering noise that cats make when they are excited. I went over to the window and this is what I saw.
Yes, that's a Snowy Owl, sitting there in my back yard! I knew that they were around. There have been reports of sightings in my area. But, I never expected to see one right here at home. I have heard that the irruption has occurred this year because the Arctic Summer last year was very mild. That lead to an explosion in the population of lemmings. In the chain of events that nature often provides, this meant that adult birds had plenty of food to feed to their nestlings, leading to a larger than normal survival rate.
When the birds fledged, the young birds had to roam farther afield, to find new Winter hunting territories. That's why we, here in New York State, are now being treated with the sight of so many of them. This looks to me like a first year bird, probably a male, which would be in line with the theory.
Just a short while later, I got an email from my neighbor. He had seen the bird also, and sent me this picture.
They are so beautiful, and so large. When I first saw it, I thought it was a dog. Hey, it was early, and I hadn't even had a cup of coffee yet.
So, there we have it, a brief update on my so very unexciting life. I promise, I'll try to get a blog up now and again, and I also promise that I will try my best to get caught up on your blogs in the next few days.
I do, I do! And wow what a comeback!I have never seen an owl except in a wild bird rehab center, but never one in it's natural surrounding. Absolutely gorgeous.
dear sweetheart! i have missed you, thought of you often. almost emailed several times to check on you, but didn't want to intrude on your 'break'. SOOO glad to hear from you and know you are well!!!
i've been seeing snowys around blogland, and am so jealous you got to see one right in your backyard!!!! so neat!!!
congrats on your health progress! keep it up!!! yay! and do please post now and again!!! i have missed your sweet presence!
yes still here and reading
(ps that owl is stuffed)
You lucky devil!! He's a beauty. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
I still have you on my sidebar. Welcome back! As for the weight - join the club - that is, John Gray's Monday weigh-ins!
The bird is beautiful.
I know many birders who would be VERY jealous! What a sight!
And good luck with the diet. :)
WOW! WOW! Incredible owl! It's the Harry Potter owl. Beautiful!
What a treat! Now THAT is blog worthy news indeed!
So good to hear from you again!
Ohh Louise I am so excited for you
Getting healthy is a day to day struggle. I hope you are feeling good inside your spirit. I know if I start eating too many bad carbs my spirit takes a plunge. When I max my protein fruit and veg, I can feel the difference.
and Oh that bird. This is likely a young bird of the year ( lots of black barring) and quite handsome. Your squirrels and chipmunks as well as the voles moles and shrews in the wood edge best be on guard.
I have not yet seen an irruption owl this year though I did give it a try in the usual wintering grounds for Snowy.
Great Yard bird, wont that look interesting on feeder watch report
Big hug to you, I miss hearing from you and seeing your world
Of course we are all out here waiting until you were ready to tune us back in! That owl was some catch and so beautiful. Thanks for sharing...I have never seen one either. Wow. You have a lot of people who are interested in your blog, so I hope you will continue to show up once in awhile.
He (she) is so majestic! I had heard about the increased Snowy Owl population on NPR and was fascinated by their report. I"m so glad you got pictures and shared them with us. Glad to see you back online!
Congrats on the weight loss. I need to get serious about it myself.
The snowy owl is very very exciting! I'd heard about the irruption, and I'd heard that there were even some in my county but I hadn't seen any yet. Your photos are great!
Way to go with the diet. To make a long story short, I once had to take meds for a serious condition that caused me to gain 70 lbs... which I then had to lose later. It took 70 weeks because a pound per week is really all that the body can sustain. But, it worked. I hope that it works for you too!
He's gorgeous!
So very glad to see your post on my sidebar.
Now that's a BIRD!!! I'm glad you came back to blogging for many reasons, but especially to show us your lucky find. Congratulations!
Wow! That bird is huge. So beautiful!
I have missed you so much and kept hoping that you would come back with the spring flowers, if not before. This certainly was a treat! What a gorgeous bird, I'm so happy you got to see it. I bet Becky couldn't believe her eyes either. Good luck with the diet. It sounds like you have the best idea of how to accomplish it. I have begun walking again after last year's injuries and am beginning to reap some benefits. Feeling stronger and happier. Take care, looking forward to more soon.
Yes and just thinking about you the other day. I myself am struggling with irratic posting. I seem to have plenty of material but lack of enthusiam to blog it. The owl is just gorgeous! And you took a great picture of it. So I guess they aren't nocturnal if it's hanging around your yard in the daylight? We have the big horned and also screech owls here but you rarely see them in the day. My 'curse' this year is a cooper's hawk. After 25 years of free ranging chickens in the fenced pasture and living in peace with the red tail hawks, this year this coopers shoes up and tries to have chicken dinner. I averted the bugger (it was IN the chicken house) from doing the deed, but now have to keep the chickens up in a pen. It'll move on eventually but there seems to be allot of hawks (and eagles) about this year. My Dad says it's because it's been so mild this winter. WELCOME BACK!
Oh, wow! What an amazing sight! You have the best backyard!
It's been even duller around here, not a single owl. Waiting for spring to bust loose.
Wow! What terrific captures of this Snowy Owl. Glad to see this post. Always enjoy your photos...
I just came across your blog, saw the post about the Snowy Owl. Sure is a big bird. Beautiful too. Good luck on the diet!. :)
It's good to see a post from you!! I'm so glad that I can keep up with you on FB and here too--You're making my stalking you that much easier! :-)
But I really love the owl photos! How cool to get to see them!! I'm totally jealous and of that and your focus and determination to lose some weight--I lack that these days!!
Yep...I'm here and as a matter of fact, just posted my first blog in months and month a few minutes ago. I promise to do better...so many things happening in my life, so little time to write or take pics of them.
And your owl...lucky you! I read about them on MSNBC or something the other day....very, very kewl! Do you think you could send one down to New Mexico?
Take care, just write about what you see out your window. Take pics, just a few, add a caption to each and there you go!
Howdy stranger!
Unexciting life!? No way! With that owl appearing in your yard, impossible to be unexciting!
What a beauty it is! Magnificent!
Listen, to have a Snowy White in your backyard is mighty exciting, just thought you should know...and second 5.5 lbs is the best start for your goal...slow but sure wind the race. Now...waiting patiently for a post!
I just saw a news update about the large amount of snowy owls appearing...truly a beautiful and magnificent catch for you! Good to hear from you and don't worry, you will accomplish what you want!...:)JP
Wow! Great pic of a snowy owl. We have only seen barred owls down here but we have great horned owls, too. I have yet to see one and i hope I never do as he will probably be sitting on my chicken coop!
Beautiful owl!
What a magical visitation!
Great to hear from you even if I'm nearly 2 months late replying. LOL
Congrats on your diet and I hope it is still going well!
OH MY STARS the Snowy Owl sighting is a once in a life time event.
I'm so glad Becky got your attention so you could snap a pic
Hugs Madi and Mom we missed you
I would have been so thrilled to see that owl Louise!...:)JP
Good to see you again, Louise! And yes, sometimes, we need to focus on ourselves...:)JP
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