Maybe the last, unfortunately. The poison ivy is up, and there's a lot of it. I managed to skirt it this time, and I'll try next weekend to get back there, but, I am kind of doubtful.
I found two new invasive species this time.
Garlic Mustard

Japanese Bayberry

The garlic mustard is everywhere around here, but, has not invaded the deep woods. I think that the flower of the bayberry is beautiful, but I'm thankful that I only found the one plant.
I got an identification on the mystery plant, thanks to a friend on a horse related bulletin board, of all places. This plant is called "Harbinger of Spring." I dearly want to see it in bloom, and it is the main reason that I'm going to try to find a poison ivy free way back there next weekend. You can't see them very well, but the second picture shows a slope just covered with them.

The trilliums are in full bloom

The coltsfoot is starting to go to seed.

And, while on one of my first trips back into the woods, I found one little bloom of early saxifarge, it's now everywhere.

The devil weed is growing with great abandon (another invasive plant)

What I thought might be wild iris looks like it's probably reeds of some sort.

The "killing field" where the hunter left his plastic gloves is now covered with horsetails.

And, the Lady's lilies of the valley should be blooming very soon.

I did find a new mystery flower with quite distinctive leaves.

I got my best yet picture of the swan (come to think of it, that's an invasive animal species, itself)

And, I found a new trail that took me the closest to the shoreline of the bay that I have been. Unfortunately, there's a dropoff there, so I wasn't able to get right down to the shore.

Burrow in the base of a tree along that trail.

I wanted to see if the sweet woodruff was in bloom (it wasn't) and, as it's not on a trail, I had to bushwack my way back up to my house in order to check on it. It was a hard climb, and I had to stop and rest a lot. But, I got a reward for doing so because, deep in the woods, I found this flight feather from a yellow shafted flicker.

I was really hoping that my memory of the poison ivy in the woods was exaggerated. But, I'm afraid it wasn't. The stuff is rampant. I so wanted to continue to watch the woods as it developed during the course of the year. But, I spent a good deal of time this weekend searching out manicured trails in areas around me. I figure that, at least, I can make a point to visit those trails, hopefully on a weekly basis, and see what grows in woods very much like mine.